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To run php script by command line in window system, first of thing you should concern is php script can run at you computer system, if php script can not run at you computer, you can see this article 4 Steps to run php script in your computer.

If php script can run at you computer, you can view steps follow.

Step 1: Find php.exe path

If you install php.exe by appserv, you can find php.exe path, for example this path is called:F:\PHP\server\php-5.3.5

4 Steps to run php script in your computer

If you plan to study php programming, you may want to know how to run php script in computer, if you say this, you can realize by follow steps:

Step 1:  Download appserv

Appserv logo

You can download this software at Appserv download,after you downloaded, you can view step 2.