Blog Archives

When you have built a website for some days and submit it to google, you may find there exists some bad links by google webmaster tool, for example:

wordpress comments feed 404

From this image you can find a url called:comments/feed/ returns a 404 code, which means google spider can not visit this page, so this url is a bad one.

We should remove these bad urls from google search results, otherwise these bad urls may decrease page rank of our website. Of course you also can fix these. If you plan to delete them you can do like this:

Step 1: Edit robots.txt of your website to prohibit google spider to visit these bad url page

You should edit robots.txt to prohibit google spider to visit these bad links in future, otherwise you can not delete them by google webmaster tool.

you can add code like this:

Disallow: /comments/

This code means to prohibit google spider to visit any html page in directory of comments.