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2 Steps to know install.rdf file in firefox

You have read article:3 Steps to create XPI file for FireFox by ZIP, you may find a special file:install.rdf, and do you know what it is and what effect of it? I think this article will help you.

create a xpi file for firefox

Step 1: What is install.rdf

install.rdf  file exists in process of creating a firefox extension, its  effect is provide some useful information on an extension, for example:

(1)The author’s name and home page

(2)The extension’s name and decription

(3)The extension’s version and about page etc.

Yesterday, my boss asked me to write a program demo to get data at other website.His need is: if we use url:http://www.***.com/coord.php?coord=51.00, coord.php page will send a post request to website: http://www.***.com to and get ,print data.

From need, i know i should program a jsp demo, this functions are:

1.JSP page should send a post request to other website

2.JSP page should get response data and echo it.

To realize this need, we can do as follow:

Step 1: Create a jsp file

We can use eclipse to create a jsp file,meanwhile, you should make sure your created jsp file can be executed in your program, which means you should have a tomcat+jdk environment.

2 Steps to submit your website to google

To submit our website to google is a very simple way to promote our websites, meanwhile, to submit our website to google is also very easy, and if you do not know you can do it like this:

Step 1:  You should have a google account

Right now, if you want to add your website into google search index, you have to have a google account. So before you add your website into google, you should register a google account.

Category: Uncategorized


1 Steps to convert pixels into millimetres

If you want to know 1024 pixels equal to what millimetres, i think this article will help you.

Step 1: Know how to convert

Usually, i should remember this expression:1pix=0.264583333mm

So,if you want to convert 1024 pixels to mm, you can multiply it by 0.264583333. That is 1024*0.264583333

You see, it is very easy!